From the moment the first wine finger touched my infantile gums, I knew I was born to tell people what to drink. To all you common plebes who are forced by ignorance to imbibe overpriced rotten grape juice, do not fear—Your leader has risen! Follow me into the churning belly of the wine revolution, and reemerge with something you’ll be proud to bring to a house-warming party.
Over the past twenty-six years I have developed a precise rating system that even the most idiotic winos can understand.
The Basics:
this wine.

Pretty tasty. Good enough for your Two Iron Fists average Saturday night dinner with
your average neighbors whom you
don't need to impress too much.

Nothing to sneeze at. Bring it to that party where One Iron Fist you like the people enough not to make them
drink absolute shit.

I wouldn't make my garbage disposal drink this The Finger unless there was a rabid opossum that
had been possessed by Satan stuck in
my pipes and I wanted it dead immediately.

A Good Deal
When you see this symbol... Pair With...

French Food

Italian Food

Chinese Food

Mexican Food

Korean Food

Fast Food
Happy drinking, my faithful peons!